Whitney Fragoso Makes Donation to St. Baldrick’s Foundation!

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Big shout out to Whitney Fragoso for being the first employee to take advantage of the Corporate Visions Power Foundation Charity Matching Program!

Whitney’s donation was to St. Baldrick’s Foundation Donation, “Shaving the Way to Conquer Kids’ Cancer!” http://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/participantid/424603

Because Whitney was the our first donor to the Foundation, Corporate Visions not only matched her donation but doubled it. Congratulations Whitney and thank you for your involvement in the community!

Joe Terry Shows His Support For The Special Olympics

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Running to the sound of a different drum

On September 21st, and in an effort to raise money and support for the 2018 Special Olympics, CEO Joe Terry took to the trail with a fierceness rarely seen in bay area executives. Joe completed the 5k run in just under 30 minutes and directly raised over $1,300 for the Special Olympics.

You’ve gotta know where all this comes from,” says Terry, “these Olympians are every bit as strong and dedicated as those that we’re used to in the other Olympics. It’s almost like their ‘disability’ brings out the seriousness in them. These guys kill it.

Joe has plans to run in next year’s event and encourages all others with Corporate Visions to step to the challenge and join the Special Olympics fundraiser on September 23rd, 2011. Get more information about this fundraiser here.

Tahoe to become a leader in Sustainable Living

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Creating a Sustainable Tahoe

Cary Crites has recently partnered with start-up organization Sustainable Tahoe to help cultivate the Lake Tahoe area as a leader on a world stage in GeoTourism, Clean Mobilty, Green Building and Renewable Energy. The organization acts as the bridge between commerce and conservation, using Crites for help in speaking, project management and messaging.

It’s become a bit of a hobby for me,” notes Crites, “there’s been so much advancement in our projects that I take hours each night and much of the weekend to manage and creating proposals. There’s so much potential our area… and it’s a blast bringing it on.”

Cary plans to continue volunteering his time focused on the TahoeExpo in September of 2011, and invites anyone interested to help in the cause for a more sustainable Tahoe. Get more information about the organization here.

Reno-Tahoe Odyssey, 2010

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Four Corporate Visions employees challenged their minds and bodies running 178 miles in the Reno-Tahoe Odyssey. This relay course is like no other, given the combination of natural scenery, world class attractions and historical points of interest. Sponsored by Corporate Visions, team Trunk Monkeys trekked from Reno, through Truckee, around Lake Tahoe, down to Carson City, up to Virginia City and back to Reno in 28 hours 13 minutes.