
Spring Storms

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After another round of severe weather in the Midwest, the American Red Cross has expanded relief operations into Oklahoma, and is continuing to ramp up services in Joplin, Missouri.

As tornado warnings were broadcast Tuesday evening, the number of people staying in the Red Cross shelter at Missouri Southern State University jumped to 348 people triple, the number the night before.

“This is a really tough time for everyone in this community,” said Charley Shimanski, senior vice president of Red Cross Disaster Services, who is in Joplin. “It’s going to be a long road for this town and for the many other towns that have been hit by disasters this spring. The important thing to remember is that the Red Cross will be there, and that we will get through this together.”

“This has been a rough disaster season with so many deadly tornadoes and disasters striking one after another for several weeks, and we’re grateful for contributions from donors which support the Red Cross response,” Shimanski added.

Corporate Visions has made a donation to the Red Cross to help support these disaster relief efforts.   In addition to our corporate donation CVI Power Foundation will match any donation made by our employees. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people and families affected by this disaster.


How You Can Help

The Red Cross estimates that it will spend as much as $41 million responding to the disasters that have affected the country since March 31, and to date, about $33.6 million has been raised in donations for these responses.

Those who want to help can make a donation to support American Red Cross Disaster Relief. This gift enables the Red Cross to prepare for and provide shelter, food, emotional support and other assistance in response to disasters. Visit or call 1-800-RED-CROSS; you can also text the word “REDCROSS” to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Contributions may also be sent to local American Red Cross chapters or to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013.

A Note From Sean Leahy

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A Note from Sean Leahy:

On November 20, 2008…..I witnessed two of my very best friends,… holding their almost-five-month-old-child in their arms at a hospital in Brockport. They were grieving. Everyone around them was grieving.

Their son Grant had passed away of SIDS just hours earlier that day. I had seen and experienced loss before,..but never anything like that.

Today,… 2+ years later,.. the story of Grant and his parents, Mike and Alana,…. is still heartbreaking and no less tragic,….but their story is now filled with hope, love and healing. Muler (the rock band that I play drums in) and Carbon Records (Thank you VERY much Joe Tunis!) have co-conspired on this recording / fundraising effort,….. focused on helping < 1 year old children and their parents avoid SIDS, and helping those impacted by SIDS,…to cope and carry on as best as possible. People don’t talk about SIDS because it’s so freaking scary. Having had dear friends experience this tragedy,….I’ve learned that it’s actually much scarier,…and fatal, not to talk about SIDS.

The paradox of SIDS is that it is both unavoidable and avoidable. Truth be told…….there are things you can do to reduce the likelihood of SIDS…..for example:

-Avoid letting infants sleep on their stomachs,.. even if they like it, and even if you’re an exhausted parent and it’s the only way to get some sleep.
– Avoid putting infants to sleep in clothes that are TOO warm.
– Avoid a bunch of blankets, and cheap crib bumpers that may increase chances of suffocation.

But here’s the big mind blower (at least for me)………Mike and Alana did EVERYTHING right,….they followed ALL the “rules”, and still,…. Grant fell victim.

At the same time,…my wife and I have 3 boys,.. (6.5, 6.5 and 7.5),,,..and we broke many of the “rules”,….and not because we’re shitty parents,…or dumb asses…, but simply out of ignorance and exhaustion. Still,..our boys survived.

Here’s the big takeaway………You CAN choose to minimize the likelihood of SIDS by understanding it,… and even if YOU don’t have children,…by learning a little more about SIDS,…you may very well be able to help someone you love avoid tragedy. By understanding SIDS,…you’ll also be in a much better position to have compassionate, supportive dialogue with anyone you know who may be coping with the effects of SIDS.

Muler and Carbon Records hope this project helps with this difficult,….must-have conversation.

Muler and Carbon Records paid for this project in its entirety,…so every dollar spent (donated), goes directly to
In a world where the price of music is embarrassingly low,….you can purchase this record for as much as you want….and every dollar will go toward the cause.

You can buy it on iTunes.

Official Muler Website

Bandcamp site:

Thanks for your attention.

Sean Leahy

PS..”Thank you” to Joe Terry, the CEO of Corporate Visions, for pushing me and our entire team at Corporate Visions to pursue not only excellence in business, but also pursue our individual passions,…and above all,….serve others.

Jeannie Frantz Makes A Donation to Samaritans Purse!

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337 Americans were killed in the Alabama tornado and tons of other families displaced. The neighborhoods most affected were generally lower income; families that don’t necessarily have the savings to easily recover. I’ll always remember a news clip of a guy describing how he had to physically hold onto his dogs’ collars to keep them from being sucked into the storm… that’s a visual you can’t get out of your head.  – Jeannie Frantz

Corporate Visions would like to thank Jeannie for her generosity.  As a sign of our appreciation and support, Corporate Visions has made a matching donation to the Samaritans Purse.

Sarah McMahan Makes A Donation to Samaritans Purse!

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We live in such a beautiful, sheltered place here in Tahoe.  It’s easy to be oblivious to the natural disasters happening around us.  However seeing the pictures from the Tsunami and recent tornado destruction in the US…it’s heart breaking.  In addition to praying for the victims, donating money to relief efforts is the least I can do.  I know every little bit helps. – Sarah McMahan

Corporate Visions would like to thank Sarah for her generosity.  As a sign of our appreciation and support, Corporate Visions has made a matching donation to the Samaritans Purse.

Tornado Relief Efforts

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Severe storms wreaked havoc across the South on April 27, causing widespread damage and tremendous loss of life. The storm system spawned tornadoes that wiped out homes and businesses, and left hundreds of thousands of people without power. More than 340 people were killed, including at least 250 in Alabama. 

Corporate Visions has reached out to support relief efforts in Alabama through a donation to:

In addition to our corporate donation to Samaritan’s Purse relief efforts, CVI Power Foundation will match any donation made by our employees. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people and families affected by this disaster.

Please consider these additional ways to offer assistance.

Ways to Donate to the Tornado Relief Effort:

American Red Cross:

The Red Cross is providing relief to people across the hardest-hit states, providing shelter, and relief to survivors.

To make a donation to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief, visit its online donation page.

You can also call 1-800-RED-CROSS or text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

 The Salvation Army:

The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services is responding to the deadly tornado activity throughout the South, mobilizing feeding units and providing support to the victims.

To donate to the Salvation Army’s tornado disaster response, visit, click on their donation page and designate “April 2011 Tornado Outbreak.”

You can call 1-800-SAL-ARMY and donors can text “GIVE” to 80888 to make a $10 donation. Checks can be made out to the Salvation Army Disaster Relief, P.O. Box 100339, Atlanta, Ga., 30384-0339.

Feeding America:

Feeding America helps food banks provide food to communities affected by the recent tornadoes.

To make a donation to Feeding America, visit its online donation page.

Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund:

The Fund, part of the Alabama Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, provides additional recovery assistance to Alabama residents who have exhausted all other coverage provided by relief organizations, government programs and insurance. To donate, visit the online donation page.

Help Survivors of Japan Quake & Tsunami

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On March 11, 2011 at 14.46 (local time), a magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck 81 miles (130km) east of Sendai, the capital of Miyagi prefecture (Japan), followed by a 13 foot tsunami. We are deeply concerned about the devastating impact caused by the earthquake and tsunami.

Please consider supporting the emergency relief efforts by donating.

Ways to Help:

Several organizations are offering support to help victims of the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami relief. Here are a few ways you can help:

  • The American Red Cross is accepting donations for Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami relief. Individuals can also text ‘REDCROSS’ to 90999 to donate $10 from their mobile phone.
  • Save the Children is responding to the needs of children and families affected by the earthquake and its aftermath. Donations can be made to Save the Children’s Japan Earthquake Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund.
  • International Medical Corps is responding to the health needs of the disaster’s victims.
  • World Vision has announced mobilization in response to the earthquake and tsunami.
  • NetHope, a collaboration of the world’s leading humanitarian response organizations is mobilizing efforts to support aid agencies responding in the region.
  • Mercy Corps is working with its partner Charity Peace Winds Japan to accept donations.
  • AidMatrix is working with its partners to connect resources and material for various response efforts. Needs for In-Kind and Transportation donations are being assessed and will be posted to the AidMatrix network as they become available.
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Susan Trumpler’s Most Rewarding Charitable Organizations

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Susan Trumpler has donated to her most rewarding charitable organizations (Honduras Rescue Mission and Arise Africa). Both are focused on children in third-world countries having what they need to become productive citizens – basic food, shelter, and education. She believes that every child born has the right to use their gifts to make a contribution to the world – but as Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs so clearly depicts – they can’t achieve self-actualization until their most basic needs are met.

Susan says, “Thank you so much for making community and world outreach a priority for our company and for the generous match that will be made. It makes me very proud to be an associate.”

Mike Finley Makes Donation to Autism Walk!

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Mike Finley of Corporate Visions Inc, has made a donation to Grant a Gift Autism Foundation’s Annual 5K Walk for Autism at Town Square Las Vegas.

Grant a Gift Autism Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity helping children on the Autism Spectrum and their families fight Autism through the Diagnostic, Support Service, and Community Outreach Connection…by providing direct scholarships, funding partnership projects with local service providers and other gifts of support.  Our goal is to assist in enhancing each child’s development while supporting the family unit and promoting a lifetime of inclusion in the community in hopes of improving each family’s quality of life.

Whitney Fragoso Makes Donation to St. Baldrick’s Foundation!

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Big shout out to Whitney Fragoso for being the first employee to take advantage of the Corporate Visions Power Foundation Charity Matching Program!

Whitney’s donation was to St. Baldrick’s Foundation Donation, “Shaving the Way to Conquer Kids’ Cancer!”

Because Whitney was the our first donor to the Foundation, Corporate Visions not only matched her donation but doubled it. Congratulations Whitney and thank you for your involvement in the community!

Joe Terry Shows His Support For The Special Olympics

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Running to the sound of a different drum

On September 21st, and in an effort to raise money and support for the 2018 Special Olympics, CEO Joe Terry took to the trail with a fierceness rarely seen in bay area executives. Joe completed the 5k run in just under 30 minutes and directly raised over $1,300 for the Special Olympics.

You’ve gotta know where all this comes from,” says Terry, “these Olympians are every bit as strong and dedicated as those that we’re used to in the other Olympics. It’s almost like their ‘disability’ brings out the seriousness in them. These guys kill it.

Joe has plans to run in next year’s event and encourages all others with Corporate Visions to step to the challenge and join the Special Olympics fundraiser on September 23rd, 2011. Get more information about this fundraiser here.