“Today, I am writing to share a vision of a better world. There is a crisis in every major city across America. It is called “human trafficking” and for the longest time I thought that was a 3rd world country’s problem. Well, I was completely wrong. Here is what the John Rigler from the FBI shared with us last week:
99% of all children involved in the sex trade in America are Americans.
13 is the average age of the victims.
48 hours is the time Police can hold child before returning them to the people that put them in this position.
0 is the number of beds available tonight in Chicago to take these children and began to heal, reclaim their lives
Let me introduce you to Reclaim 13. A new charity origination that is well on its way to making a huge difference and saving lives. We have acquired a large living space that was donated to this cause. I have accepted a position on the advisory board and we have begun to raise funding for our operating expenses. We are committed to the health (both physical and mental),the education and transition / placement of the children back in a loving family environment.
I have been asked by a former client, to help create and capture a POV for the messaging to 3 target audiences. I have reached out to Scott and Jessie and asked for their help; they have agreed to donate their personal time to get this done. We are shooting for the 25th of this month. We are moving quickly as today, the police have stopped rescuing these children because of the emotional harm the children experience when they are returned to the people that put them in this position to begin with. Their spirits are crushed when this happens.”
~By Ted Ergo
“I want to pass along a special note on the work that was recently done as part of our CVI Power Foundation. Big, virtual hug goes out to Scott Weinhold, Jessie Behm, and Ted Ergo who spent their weekend, away from home in Chicago, donating their time, working on a message for this special group, Reclaim13.
Reclaim13 works with law enforcement to support children in the United States who are victims of sex trade and provides them food, shelter, help, support and most importantly hope. There are over 200,000 of these children in the US alone, who are daughters and sons, that need help.
Check out the thank you letter from the President at Reclaim13. Thank you Scott, Jessie and Ted for your service to this wonderful cause, we are grateful for your commitment at all levels!” ~ by Joe Terry
To: Ted Ergo & The CVI Team
FROM: Justin Ozinga, Board of Directors, reclaim13
SUBJECT: CVI’s Contribution & Support of reclaim13
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the volunteers of reclaim13, I wanted to personally thank you and CVI for your incredible contributions to reclaim13, including your, Jesse, and Scott’s costs and services in developing our messaging.
The development of our messaging will be critical in our efforts to raise $1.5M in the next 6 months. This money will be used to open an innovative one-of-a-kind holistic restoration home, called Cherish House, for children under the age of 18 who are recovered by law enforcement from the commercial sex trade.
It has been estimated there are over 200,000 American Children in the commercial sex trade in the USA, yet there are fewer than 200 beds for these children nationwide. This has forced law enforcement to turn these children over to family service agencies where they do not have access to the care and services they require to start the healing process. This results in the children back in the commercial sex trade within days of being recovered by law enforcement.
Reclaim13 is working closely with the FBI, local law enforcement agencies, churches, healthcare organizations, and other related service organizations to provide the children the health, education and psychological services and support they require to be healed…..allowing them to reclaim their childhood and dreams.
Although reclaim13 has an impressive 20,000 square foot estate which is currently being converted into the first Cherish House, this will only provide a tiny fraction of the number of beds required nationally. Our ultimate vision and goal is to work with high net-worth individuals across the nation to convert oft used estates into Cherish Houses, making a significant dent in the fight to reclaim as many children as possible from this horrific life..
The foundation of our fund-raising efforts is our messaging. Yourself, Jesse and Scott have provided us expert advice in crafting that message which we believe will compel church congregations, high net-worth individuals and corporations to donate money and resources. We believe in CVI’s methodology and the results it delivers. You, Jesse, and Scott have applied your expertise deftly. Without each of you and CVI, we couldn’t have developed a message that will compel our target donors to contribute and allow us to achieve our vision.
With Love and Blessings,
Justin Ozinga