On June 28, 2017, Lynn Zambrano, Teresa Kwan, Geoff Kinnaird and Charlotte Kobayashi, stuffed 7 “DaKine” backpacks with several required supplies for Incline Middle School 6th Graders: 3″ binders, subject dividers, colored pencils, dry erase markers with 4 different colors and erasers, plus scissors.
Backpacks will be delivered to Incline Village and handed over to Sarah Mcmahon, who will represent Corporate Visions and award to 7 students when school begins toward the end of August. We have been coordinating with teacher, Liz Harrell, to help identify 7 students to be awarded a back pack.
Watch for follow up blog story for the award day and the 7 lucky students!
[By Charlotte Kobayashi]