Corporate Visions, Inc. partners with San Rafael Elks, private donor, and Bicycle Odyssey to award 10 more bicycles to deserving 4th grade students of Laurel Dell Elementary School on November 9 2017. Eight of the bicycles were funded through San Rafael Elks grant funds, one set from Corporate Visions and one from an on-g0ing private donor. And now, after 4 years of awarding bicycles, there are 86 bicycles wheeling around the county.
{Proud mother and son]
Many of these students walk to and from school and are not able to participate in extra curricular activities after school due to lack of transportation. These happy 10 students now have brand new $325 bicycles [purchased at cost price], plus safety helmets, and a lock to bicycle themselves to and from school, ride with friends and family and participate in additional activities after school and weekends.
[By Charlotte Kobayashi]